Brilliant Mind
How to become a serious meditation practitioner and then help others fall in love with meditation, increasing their income and improving their relationships through meditation practice. Earn from $1000/month conducting meditation groups.
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Starting: Feb XX
Meditation Teacher Program
Why does the world need great meditation teachers and how to become one?
Even if you are a beginner and do not know how to meditate at all – you can still learn, understand, and figure it all out.
But the main key to becoming a great meditation teacher is to develop a habit of meditating on a regular basis, which will eventually lead to you falling in love with your own mind. Because our own mind is the key to absolute happiness.

We will help you get to this point and teach you how to transfer these skills to others – all in our "Brilliant Mind" course. Join up now!
This course is meant for you if
  • You want to learn how to meditate on a regular basis
  • You don't meditate yet, but you know about the benefits of meditation and you want to master it and eventually teach it
  • You want to understand how to solve your life problems - and you've been looking for proven tools in this area for a long time
  • You meditate and strive to develop your practice
  • You meditate on a regular basis, but you don't see any real progress in your practice
  • You have already received results from meditation and you want to share this experience with others
If you haven't meditated yet, you will learn how to do it in this course.
If you are already an advanced practitioner, you will be able to hone your skills and make corrections where necessary.

In any case, you will learn how to properly share the knowledge and meditation experience with others - and how to get paid for it.
As a result of this course
you will get

For yourself
  • The ability to meditate well for at least 30 minutes in one session
  • Skills of solving your own problems through meditation
  • The ability to focus and see opportunities where there were only problems before
  • A deeper understanding of the workings of the mind
For students
  • Skills of making your students fall in love with meditation and get good results from their practice
  • Skills of teaching basic meditations to a new audience to help them solve their life problems and achieve all kinds of goals (financial, relationships, career or business)
  • Skills in creating personalized meditations to solve specific problems or reach certain life goals
  • Skills and knowledge how to help others master the tool of changing reality through working with their own mind
By the end of this training
You will be awarded a Level 1 Meditation Teacher CERTIFICATE (upon successful completion of all assignments and exams), which confirms a sufficient level of knowledge (level 1) on how to properly meditate and teach meditation to other people.

Anyone who wants to get a Certificate with the right to teach – the necessary requirement for this would be a completed ACI 3 or DCI 3 course.
By the end of this training
You will be awarded a Level 1 Meditation Teacher CERTIFICATE (upon successful completion of all assignments and exams), which confirms a sufficient level of knowledge (level 1) on how to properly meditate and teach meditation to other people.

Anyone who wants to get a Certificate with the right to teach – the necessary requirement for this would be a completed ACI 3 or DCI 3 course.
Fall in love with meditation to access the limitless potential of your mind and teach it to others!
Who is the teacher?
Peter Möertl
  • Practicing and teaching meditation and yoga for over 12 years
  • Has completed 7 meditation retreats, each lasting a month
  • Main teacher of the Asian Classics Institute for Russian speaking countries and Europe
  • Founder of the Asian Classics Institute for Germany, Austria and Switzerland (ACI DACH).
  • Trainer Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI Global) and Assistant Professor at Sedona College of International Management (SCIM)
  • Participated in over 100 events in Europe, America, Asia, Russia and Ukraine since 2010 – as an organizer, translator and trainer.
  • Translator of ancient wisdom texts into German.
  • Founded the Gold Club charity foundation, together with his wife Maria; this foundation raised over $1,000.000 in charity donations, over 3 years.
Peter Möertl
  • Practised and taught meditation and yoga for over 12 years
  • Has completed 7 meditation retreats, each lasting a month
  • Lecturer of Asian Classics Institute in Russian speaking countries and Europe
  • Trainer Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI Global) and Assistant Professor at Sedona College of International Management (SCIM)
  • Founder of ACI DACH
  • Since 2010 he has participated in over 100 events as an organizer, translator and trainer in Europe, America, Asia, Russia and Ukraine
  • Translates ancient wisdom texts into German Together with his wife Maria he founded the charitable foundation Gold Club, which in 3 years raised more than $1.000.00
  • Reading "The Diamond Cutter" book by Michael Roach and Understanding the Pen was a huge realisation for me
  • When I say that the world comes from my mind, I don't mean my perception of something that exists outside. That is not what I am talking about .

    I am saying that 100% of our reality is created by our mental seeds!

    So if you don't learn to control your mind – that's just crazy! Understanding the pen and still not wanting to learn how to control your mind is pure madness!
  • I'll give you a tough example. Now, we all know it, there is a terrible conflict going on in the centre of Europe.

    Young guys are being killed every day, many of them injured. The latter would need prostheses. Their suffering is obvious.

    But you and I are the same. Although it' might not be so obvious, but not learning to meditate when you realise that suffering comes from you is a much more serious disability, a mental one. Why? Because there is no prosthesis for a broken mind!
You can't learn how to meditate from apps, articles or mini-courses on the web!
Meditation is an art that can only be mastered on one's own, through long hours spent on the cushion. But, as with all spiritual practices, it is very helpful if we are guided by a well-trained meditator through our meditation process.

Take your time; try a few meditation teachers; find the one who is really qualified in the authentic lineage and is a good meditator himself.

The great teacher
of the ancient meditation tradition
Master Je Tsongkapa (1357-1419)

The 2,500-year-old meditation tradition: what is its essence? What makes it so unique?
It is a tradition of meditation that has been passed down from Teacher to disciple for 44 generations.
If it did not lead to results, it would not have survived!
The program of this course
includes 28 main classes
Participants meet twice during the week to make presentations on (1) why meditate and (2) what meditation is.

Further classes are held once a week:
28 classes await…
Module 1
Meditation practice
  • 1 month
  • 1 live class
  • Meditation
  • 1 Questions & Answers session
  • 30 days of keeping Meditation Journal
  • 30 days of keeping Awareness Diary
Module 1
Meditation practice
  • 1 month
  • 1 live class
  • Meditation
  • 1 Questions & Answers session
  • 30 days of keeping Meditation Journal
  • 30 days of keeping Awareness Diary
Module 2 (16 classes)
How to meditate? How to teach it to others?
  • ️1 month – 2 classes a week
  • 1,5 months – 1 class a week
  • Small group meetings (5 people) 1-2 times a week, where each participant gives a 10-minute presentation and receives feedback
  • Supervisions – once a week, 90 minutes (all participants + all teachers)
  • 1 Questions & Answers session
Module 3 (12 classes)
Emptiness and Karma. How can this be taught through meditation?
  • 1 month – 2 classes a week
  • 1 month – 1 class a week
  • Small group meetings (5 people) 1-2 times a week, where each participant gives a 10-minute presentation and receives feedback
  • Supervisions – once a week, 90 minutes (all participants + all teachers)
  • 1 Questions & Answers session
Module 3 (12 classes)
Emptiness and Karma. How can this be taught through meditation?
  • 1 month – 2 classes a week
  • 1 month – 1 class a week
  • Small group meetings (5 people) 1-2 times a week, where each participant gives a 10-minute presentation and receives feedback
  • Supervisions – once a week, 90 minutes (all participants + all teachers)
  • 1 Questions & Answers session
Module 4
Coaching group: earning money through meditations
  • 3 months of work in a practice group – how to get to the $1000 dollars a monthlevel
  • 12 live classes once a week, in a coaching group with Maxim Dzhabali
  • Meditation channel where you will lead meditations for Pink Diamond students
Additional activities
  • Small group meetings (5-6 people + curator) 1-2 times a week, where each participant gives a 10-minute presentation and receives feedback
  • Supervisions – once a week, 90 minutes (all participants + all teachers)
  • Each participant keeping his own Meditation Journal during the course
  • Each participant keeping his own 6-Time Diary during the course
Additional activities
  • Small group meetings (5-6 people + curator) 1-2 times a week, where each participant gives a 10-minute presentation and receives feedback
  • Supervisions – once a week, 90 minutes (all participants + all teachers)
  • Each participant keeping his own Meditation Journal during the course
  • Each participant keeping his own 6-Time Diary during the course
Feedback: 2 LIVE online meetings with teachers in the form of a Questions & Answers session
Participation Packages
from $167 a month (12-months installment plan)
from $250 a month (12-months installment plan)
28 Classes with the teachers
+ 12 live meetings in a coaching group
Small group sessions
Group supervisions
2 Questions&answers session
Personal meditation journal during the program
Keeping 6-time diary during the program
Access to all course materials for 1 year
Duration of training
6 months
9 months
Module 4. Coaching group for meditation income
from $167 a month
from $250 a month
3 bonus webinars on the course topic
Admission is free after registration!
  • Feb XX at XX-00 (Vienna)
    How to help people solve their life problems with meditation
  • Feb XX at XX-00 (Vienna)
    How to become an advanced mediator and inspire others to do the same
  • Feb XX at XX-00 (Vienna)
    How to become a meditation teacher if I'm not meditating myself yet
Video Feedback
Participant Feedback
Participant Feedback
  • Maria Möertl
    Practicing meditation and yoga daily for more than 10 years (together with her husband Peter, she has done 7 meditation retreats, each a month long), teaches at the Institute of Asian Classics (ACI) and at the Diamond Cutter Institute (DCI), trains ACI and DCI teachers at all levels of the mental seed system.
    How I fell in love with meditation
    I had no choice whether to meditate or not. When I got married, I just had to do it. Together with Peter, we lived, studied, taught, did yoga and, of course, meditated.

    So in 2012 I started practicing meditation. And during these 10 years, I just fell in love with it! After all, it is a tool that helps me to prioritize correctly. Be effective while doing a lot of projects. Have a happy relationship. Have financial independence and the opportunity to advance along the spiritual path. And all that is because meditation allows us to train our mind. Makes the mind clear and focused to stay calm and see the right solutions in any difficult situation.
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